What is Physical Therapy?
This treatment is the use of physical agents and techniques such as hydrotherapy (water therapy) to treat pain function loss related to musculoskeletal system, sound waves at various frequencies of electric current hot-cold frequency in the treatment of disability and insufficiency. Thanks to physical therapy, it minimizes the effects of the painful condition and makes it easier for the person to return to work and social life.
What is Rehabilitation?
Rehabilitation is the whole of the treatments applied to reintegrate people who have become disabled for any reason into society. The aim of rehabilitation is to try to gain independence as much as possible physically, mentally, economically and socially for people with disabilities or people who have lost their functional independence for various reasons. A rehabilitation program that is compatible with the patient and applied comprehensively will shorten the time of being dependent on the bed and others and increase the quality of life.
Who can apply physical therapy?
It is applied by physical therapists and physiotherapists.
What is Rheumatism? How Many Types of Rheumatism Are There?
Rheumatic diseases are diseases of our movement system that causes complaining such as ‘musculoskeletal system’ pain and mobility restriction. Our movement system consists of joints, ligaments around the joints, areas of adhesion of muscles called ‘tendons’ to the bones, fluid-filled sacs, muscles, connective tissue and bones called ‘bursa’. More than 200 rheumatic diseases have been identified.
Rheumatic diseases can also be classified as “soft tissue rheumatism (such as fibromyalgia syndrome, myofascial pain syndrome, tendinitis)”, “Inflammatory rheumatism (rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, acute rheumatic fever, scleroderma, Behçet’s Disease etc.)” and “Rheumatic diseases (arthrosis = calcification) that occur with the wear of the articular cartilage”.
In which diseases is it necessary to consult a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist?
It is necessary to apply to a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist in order to relieve pain, provide mobility, increase muscle strength and improve the quality of life of the patients listed below: “All joint and muscle pain (shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, leg, foot-ankle)”, “Neck, back, low back pain (hernias, slipped discs, posture disorders, soft tissue injuries)”, “Patients with pain and limitation of movement after hip-knee-shoulder prosthesis operation, arthroscopic intervention, hand surgery or after fracture-dislocation. Patients with osteoporosis.”, “Patients with stroke (paralysis), facial paralysis, polio sequelae, spastic disability, Parkinson’s Disease, spinal cord injury, MS (Multiple Sclerosis), traumatic brain injury, nerve entrapment and limitation of movement after nerve injuries, muscle weakness and spasticity”.
Is Pain Felt During Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Practices?
Physical Therapy is applied with devices. When the appropriate devices are used consciously and correctly by physiotherapists, you do not feel pain. However, if physical therapy is administered by non-physiotherapists, pain can be heard and damage the body, as there is a risk of misapplied. During rehabilitation applications, you may feel pain when stretching exercises are applied. However, exercises performed by physiotherapists do not harm your body.
How long is the Session of Physical Therapy? How many days do I need to come to physical therapy?
The average session duration of physical therapy varies between 45 minutes and 1.5 hours. However, rehabilitation practices may last even longer in orthopedic and neurological diseases. The total number of sessions varies between 10 and 30. Although it varies according to the patient in rehabilitation applications, the number of sessions may also increase.
Are there any drawbacks to frequent physical therapy?
It is inconvenient to apply deep heaters such as ultrasound and short wave frequently and excessively to the same area.
Can physical therapy be applied to children, the elderly and pregnant women?
It can be applied to all age groups if the dose, duration and devices to be applied are determined correctly.
What are the conditions in which physical therapy should not be applied?
Physical therapy is strictly not applied to the following patients; Severe heart, liver, lung and kidney failure and diseases, Uncontsupervised hypertension (high blood pressure) and diabetes (diabetes) patients, Acute infections, Cancers (Deep heater agents such as ultrasound, short wave in cancer patients are strictly not applied. Other physical therapy methods can be safely applied by a physical therapy specialist and physiotherapist.), Severe circulatory disorders.
Activation periods of rheumatic diseases
What Can Patients Do to Get More Benefit from Physiotherapy?
During physical therapy, you will be told by your doctor and/or physiotherapist how to use your spine and joints in your daily life. Following these rules even after treatment will increase the benefit you receive from treatment and ensure that it is long-lasting.
During physical therapy, doing the exercises recommended to you by the physiotherapist correctly and regularly is fundamental to success in treatment.
If medication is recommended by your doctor during physical therapy, use the drugs in the recommended dose and time. Drug use will both prevent chronic pain and help with treatment.
Is it possible to avoid back and neck pain?
It is largely possible to be protected by recognizing the risks for back and neck pain, using the body correctly and improving conditioning at work and in daily life.
What are the causes of back and neck pain?
There are many reasons. Dozens of causes, ranging from simple muscle strain to very serious conditions, can lead to back and neck pains.
Does sports cause back and neck pain?
Improper use of the body during sports or forced movements without warming up can cause pain and disability.
How is the course of back and neck pain?
If it is caused by mechanical difficulties, 90% of painful attacks can heal in 6 weeks and return to normal life. The more you repeat, the longer the recovery time.
When is surgery recommended for back and neck pain?
Surgery is recommended in only 2-5% of patients. Surgery is recommended if there is weakness in the leg in the arm due to the hernia, if there is a deterioration in the function of the urinary and defecation habits and if the appropriate and adequate treatment is not answered.
Does back and neck pain lead to disability?
If left untreated, it may lead to disability by restricting movements, causing permanent damage to nerves and adversely affecting the psychological state.
Is there a work-related back and neck pain?
Back and neck pain may develop due to improper use of back, neck and body at work, and unsuitable equipment and working conditions.
How do back and neck pain affect employees?
Due to pain, restriction of movement and psychological problems, the employee, his/her family, relatives and work are adversely affected.
Is it possible to be protected from back and neck pain in employees?
The use of the body in the right positions is largely possible with ergonomic regulation of equipment and working conditions in accordance with the employee.
Has the effectiveness of ergonomics and prevention of back and neck pain in workers been proven?
Yes it has been proven. It has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of diseases, lost workdays, and cost.